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Meet the Clan


Founder & Chief

The Chieftess

Tennessee Chapter Rep.

Tiny Seamus

Texas Rep.

California Rep.

Utah Rep.



+ + + + + + + + + 


& Meaty


+ salty +

Clan Bacon wants to acknowledge these fine people for helping us get started in one way or another.  Thank you!

Honor Roll


Carol Davidson

Megan Zerfas

Sharon MacDonald

Dana MacDonald

Adrenalin Monroe

Brandon Goodman

Tim Timm

Eric Ettsvold

Lance Creed

Ponch Green

Tim Mullally

Joseph "Biggs" Howser

Spencer Blish

Steven Grayson

Jerry Hayes

Edward Kennedy

Dan Lamont

Nicolas Chen

Cathy Ballard

William Ballard

Ross Carman

Jose McKinney




***  If you'd like to be included here, or know someone that should be, send us an email.



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